
Friday, September 8, 2017

'Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson'

'Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman were twain great authors of the previous(a) 19th Century. well-nigh(prenominal) Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson ar to be considered modern writers by many people, their literary productions can be similar in ship canal and not. at that place are some differences in their composing styles of Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson. One of the things I did notice in in that location poems or writings was how they expressiond it. Whitmans poems tend to only when go on and on and on; there was no set duration for his poems, Also Whitmans poems are very particular and abide a gruelling hopeful description magic spell drill his poems, he lets the reader to pee a spend a penny picture nearly his poems. (pg.1024). As for Emily Dickinson, on the other hand, she wrote poems that would have structure in them. She wrote poems with b on the wholead stanzas, which were quadrupletsome line stanza, and she similarly has a strong imagination devis ing the poem surveil alive in the readers mind. (pg.1273). so in many ways they were different in there poems. other difference amidst Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson is their poetry. Walt Whitman poetry has no verse to it, it do my head psychic trauma while reading Whitmans poems, as for Dickinson she had a slight rhyme to her poems which was nice. By perusal these two poems, i can throw several taken for granted(predicate) similarities in the midst of them, wizard had no structure at all in there poems, but the other wrote in four line stanzas.\n\nWhat to the break ones back is the Fourth of July by Fredrick Douglass?\n In his lyric Fredrick Douglass argues that to the slave, and even to the freed African Americans, the Fourth of July is no more than a mockery or a joke, in the beginning of the vernacular Douglass repeatedly questions his ingest worth and powerfulness to stand beforehand the President and citizens of America. (pg.1002). Frederick Douglass pro mptly maintains a current break or boundary between himself and his audience that he is addressing through his survival of the fittest of words and language. He constantly makes coarse statements such as your Na... '

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