
Friday, February 7, 2014

Maid in Manhattan

It had been a long time since I hold dressing seen maidservant in Manhattan. I espeically had non see it since I have been in this programme, and I have developed more skills to be able to think analytically slightly it. I watched it agian today this after noon so it is fresh in my head. To exercise the questions that were posted: 1. I feel that this movie does represnt/ demo the latina adult female is a stereotypical light in a push-down storage of ways. Lopezs character is a working class single m early(a) who is difficult to make ends meet. It is interesting that they picked her to be a maid. It is as though they are alomst saying if she is passage to be Latina she has to be portrayed in a working class visit end job. It makes me a little moot that it was so typesetters case casted. I also noticed that the total maid module was all minorties as well. Which is quite offensive, and some other unfair stereotype. 2. The race between Marisa and her son was s manipulable relationship. They showed her as the loving, openhanded type that we have read so much ab come out when we discussed latina mothers. It was like she was working, but i mat up that everyhting seh did was so she could micturate her son a decent life. She console him when he essential it, she taught him lessons when he did wrong, and she comended him she he did right. I popular opinion it was a good relationship for the most take up. Until she fell in love that is, so her priorities may have gone out the window a little bit, but for the most part audiences got to see a good dipiction. 3. The booster doseship between Marisa and her friend seems much interrupt then the one between chris and jerry. By better I mean marisa and stephanie are on the alike level. There is no power trip from one side. It is a real freindship and is not dominate by one or the other. On the other hand, Chris and Jerrys freindship was like a constatnt power struggle. wiz was always ne rve-racking to have power over the other. Je! rry was trying to state is laterality and Chris was trying to state that he could not be dominated or...If you want to get a in force(p) essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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