
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Family Communication

A genogram is a family tree used to represent in-family relationships It does non l whizzly(prenominal) contain names of the deal be keen-sighteding to unitary s family except similarly their relationship and interactions with each an early(a)(prenominal) . present in this example , the genogram does non wholly tell of the modus operandi of children a pair off has further besides , the relationships between and among them . The plat also shows culture ab break by dint of their develop , instances on their extends , w here they live and where they were sent to . It also shows some of their medical exam history much(prenominal) as who has a specific illness or dis . sample distri exactlyion Genogram ( Genogram , 2007The relationships depicted in a genogram may include , family , worked up and social relat ionships such as , sexual union , divorce , in-laws , uniformity distrust , friendship , love etc superstar purpose of a genogram is to offer family histories especi all(prenominal)y those that would greatly match rising descendantsThe Rugrats is a land renowned Ameri loafer sketch TV series where babies and toddlers atomic number 18 the primary(prenominal) characters ( Rugrats , 2007 . The characters ar composed of several interconnected families . One interesting affair some the TV series is that the makers make use of the children s draw a bead on of view rather than the prominent sOne of the feature families is the Pickles , which is comprised of Stuart Stu , his wife , Didi , and their children , Tommy and Dil . The total cartoon series runs on provided peer slight and hardly(a) chief(prenominal)(prenominal) infringe , the miscommunication between the children and the adults . The same affair also happens in the Pickles familyTommy and Dil argon still on the age where their ex campaignio! n is not yet explicable to the adults , and flush to their p atomic number 18nts . The adults embrace their speech only as babblings which do not pixilated any intimacy but in true(a)isticity , these babblings be complex and ace speech of young mindsMost of the episodes do happen in real purport . One standard example would be when hotshot of the babies would cry , and the p arnts would find ship expression of qualification them stop . at that place was an episode when Tommy cried come tabu of the closet loud only because he cute to go out of the pen . He was successful in keepting his p bents attention but instead of getting him out of the pen , they gave him milk . This do Tommy sapidity worse because he felt misunderstoodAlthough , throughout all the episodes of Rugrats , no baby was penalize for throwing a tantrum , there are times that real children get punished by their parents . These children are punished without their parents attempt to under stand why they are doing soThe of import issue here is how parents deal with their children , curiously those whose speech is not yet comprehensible to adultsOne reason why passage of armss lift inside the family circle is because of the mental unsoundness of might . In the scenario , the parents put up military group over their babies . They declare the rights on doing al close to anything with them They also have the say in what their children bath and supportnot have Although the baby has some kind of power over the parents , because with his crying , he caught their attention and made them disparage , what they get is still on the clears of the parentsSpeech is also bingle locale where power is not in balance . With the conception universe male-dominated , every decision should primary go through the crop up With what happened to Tommy , he had no chance of arguing with his father more or less what he really cherished . Because Stu concept that what Tommy requiremented was milk , everybody else believ! ed that it was milk that Tommy wanted , and not something else other problem is because of unprepared rules that families have ( Resolving , 2004 . Parents , especially the father is in press of imposing rules and regulations that family outgrowths should follow inside or even away(p) the theater of operations . Having this kind of rules can be good in one sense but because they are extempore , they can be easily upset(a) by one family ingredient . Another thing virtually having these is that these rules are always render to changeIf having unwritten rules is a problem , unspoken rules are worse . These are the roles that the society expects an man-to-man should perform Because the family is the closest persons to an individual , they are also the ones bighearted the intimately pressure on do those roles . They are also the ones that influence the individuals the mostAgain , miscommunication is the root of the conflict . Tommy sexual intercourse to the adults i n his environment has limited vocabulary and sound-producing efficiency , season his father and all the other adults think that the only way to communicate was thru the words that adults useThis kind of conflicts can at long final stage result into broken families . Most broken families have resulted from these kinds of conflicts . soulfulness does not understand someone , until the railway line grows into one hulking fightThe family is the basic unit of society . The main concept may disagree from one culture to another(prenominal) , but the main idea stays the same . Across cultures , the thermonuclear family is made up of a father , a produce and the offspringMembers differ in function depending on the society they are in . In most societies , the father plays the role as the provider , the main protector , and the head of the family . He is the main emblemic representation of masculinity in the family , frankincense he is evaluate to be the strongest and the mo st stable of all the members . He is also seen to be! the leader in all aspects of the family in in short , he is the representative of the family to the bigger society (Gerlach , 2006Mothers , on the other hand have the stereotype that they should be the ones who take fearfulness of the family members . Because of this , they are seen as caring and soft females , becoming the crowning(prenominal) symbol of femininity in the family . They do household chores , especially the ones cogitate with the child rearing practices . She is expected to be the first one to understand every member of the family and give them nurse whenever they desire itOffsprings , on the other hand , are the ones that provide check off the survival of the species . This way , they are seen as people who ask extra care . They are also expected to meet things from adults as they grow up . Those that have siblings are the ones that flummox more conflict than those who do not have . This happens because they want power over someone , especially the younger oneConflicts can also arise not only between individuals inside a family (Bacal , 2004 . It can also be between deuce or more families . This kind of conflict can be seen throughout history . One family member gets into an argument with another from another family .
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This argument would escalate until members are not satisfactory with sound having conflicts but would resolve to forcible assaults or even murderChildren have difficulties with communicating with adults . They tend to feel misunderstood everytime they declare with them because adults expect children to talk to them using the adult language . It is handle a man expecting a chamfer to speak in a human language , thinking that every fleshly should do so , so the! y could be understood kindleual urge is one of the things that is verboten to any minded(p) culture . But today it is one of the most kick in secrets . Sex education has been one of the biggest debates in the academic club . Education always starts within the family , with the parents as the first teachersToday , most young people analyze somewhat waken thru their friends and plenteousness media . This is mainly because most parents do not want to tie in a talk about sex , in fear of having negative judgments from other peopleThis is one kind of miscommunication among family members . Because the parents do not want to talk about sex in an educational way , their children tend to fashion for other sources of study about the But the sources these children also got what they bash from their friends and mass media , thus propagating distorted view on sexThere are ways of how parents can talk about sex with their children ( Sex , 2000 . The first thing that parents sh ould do is to accept the truth that their children do learn loosely from them . The second would be by big(a) their children the chance to anatomy their self-esteem They can do this just by giving them praises whenever they do something good . Another would be by promoting a convinced(p) opinion about sex . This would make the children locomote more open to the thus making them less assailable to the problems that may arise in the future . The parents should also learn how to listen . This way , the children would have less restrictions on what they would say making the path of communication more open . The parents should also teach their children how to make good decisions , because this is the most effective mechanism they could hand down to the young peopleOne master(prenominal) point that parents should tell their children about sex is that what they are feeling is all natural , and is just apart of the human life . This way , they would have positive feelings ab out sex . And the last thing parents should tell the! ir children would be , that there are places and people who are willing to serve them whenever they have problems . This way , the children would be more open to their parents not only with matters about sex , but also other thingsReferencesBacal , R (2004 . Family Conflict - Parents and Children . Conflict911 whitethorn 27 , 2007 , from hypertext transfer communications protocol /conflict911 .com /resources /Family_Conflict_-_Parents_and_ChildrenGerlach ,(2006 . Resolve Step Family Roles and Rules Conflict . melt Your Biofamilies . May 27 , 2007 , from http /sfhelp .org /09 /roles_rules .htm Genogram (2007 . Wikipedia . retrieved May , 28 , 2007 , from http /en .wikipedia .org /wiki /Genogram List of Rugrats Characters (2007 . Wikipedia retrieved May 27 2007 , from http /en .wikipedia .org /wiki /List_of_Rugrats_charactersResolving Family Conflicts (2004 . May 27 , 2007 , from http /www .nku .edu hcp /RESOLVING 20FAMILY 20CONFLICTS .htm fail , Listen and Talk with Teens about Sex (2000 . . Retrieved May 28 , 2007 . from http /www .familycommunication .org /tips /index .aspPAGEPAGE 7 ...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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